Dr. Scott Phillips of Lifestyle Chiropractic knew that for his practice to thrive, it was essential to have an online presence to get his name out there. Like other chiropractic businesses, he had a website, a Facebook page and had even done some PR and advertising over the years.
With the goal of growing his business, Dr. Phillips wore two hats as both a chiropractor and marketer, although he would call himself more of a ‘timid marketer’. His preferred way of doing marketing leveraged on his strengths as a chiropractor which was speaking with people one-on-one.
Talking to people face-to-face though effective takes a lot of time. He knew that in today’s digital age, he needed to embrace online and social media marketing as well. Working with Socialize Video allowed Dr. Phillips to create the videos he needed to communicate to his audience.
Example Videos
As a chiropractor you will really benefit from having all three of these types of videos made for your business. In your marketing these videos will compliement one another, give your potential patients a rounder view of who you are and what you do, and offer a reason for them to try you out right now!
Promotional Videos
Let's start with promotional videos because most business owners want to start here too. Don't you want to draw in new business? Do you new patients? Promotional videos are made to give a new patient a reason for coming in. Let them experiece what you have to offer so they know your value.
When making your videos we create multiple versions that are optimized for social media. Take a look at a wide version (best for Youtube ads) and square version (great for Facebook/Instagram). Also notice how we created they are two different lengths--15 sec & 30 sec.

Click image to watch

Click image to watch
Testimonial Videos
Since Dr. Phillips provides awesome care and also becasue we needed video clips of him working on his patients, we created several testimonial video content. Even though testimonial videos are very powerful they can often be overlooked when filming. We'll help facilitate and help your patients feel comfortable on camera. We take a step further by creating short versions of each patient then a compliation of the best clips from all.
Educational Videos
Dr. Phillips wanted to be known as a reliable practitioner who really knew what he was talking about. Plus he wanted to relate to his audience by showing he understood their pain and discomfort. Eduational videos are a perfect format to do both. What are the common questions or concerns your patients are voicing and create videos around them.

Click image to watch

Click image to watch

Dr. Phillips
Within the first three minutes of my first sponsored Facebook ad going live, someone came into our office and said that he saw our ad and wanted to come in for our promotional offering. I was able to see the impact of social media in real-time!
Marketing Campaign
With a great mix of video content, we were ready to now promote Dr. Phillips and his office. Our marketing services get your videos seen by your local community. You will quickly be recognized for who you are and what you do. For Dr. Phillips it was quicker than he expected.
Within minutes from the Facebook ad being published, a potential client who happened to be in the same building with Dr. Phillips’ clinic came into his office and signed up for the special trial offering. This new customer had always been curious about his services, but seeing the ad pushed him to take action.
As someone who thought Facebook was only a tool to raise brand awareness, Dr. Phillips saw first hand how social media can be used for lead generation; and he was happy to see the ROI of the money he spent for advertising in Facebook.
Through this Facebook ad campaign, Socialize Videos was able to drive attention for Dr. Phillips’ practice among his neighbors and the rest of the community. By allowing us to do what we do best, we utilized our marketing expertise to bring potential clients to Dr. Phillips’ practice. This also allowed him to do what he did best which was being a chiropractor who provides excellent care to his clients.
3 Mins
Time for first patient
Initial Impressions
Cost Per Lead
Bottom line? Don't make the mistake of running your social media campaigns without video! The stats are clear that results are best with video content. Get the help you need building your videos with Socialize Video!