As a company, it’s critical to share who you are and what you do in your marketing, and to give potential clients a glimpse of what it would be like to work with you. The best way to do that is to consistently create social content that highlights your personality while also showcasing the quality of your work. But… how? How much will that cost? And where will you find the time to sustain consistent and engaging video content?
Not too long ago, Jared from Landmarks West had all those same questions and concerns when his coworker Van approached him with the idea to invest more deeply in personalized social media video production. Though he understood the importance of video marketing for growing their business, he was on the fence about whether they had the time and resources to launch and sustain a video marketing campaign. He was also a little reluctant about even going on camera! But as you’ll see below, not only did Jared agree to give this a chance: he’s now a strong believer and an advocate for continuing in the video production model we’ve helped them establish!
Let’s take a closer look at their strategy:
Develop a Sustainable Schedule
First, Van and Jared from Landmarks West needed to make sure they were beginning a venture that they could sustain. It’s fairly easy to create a new Instagram or Facebook account, but it’s another thing altogether to remain consistently engaged and grow a following. Their first step was to work with Jeff and his team to look realistically at their availability and develop a sustainable schedule around that.
Initially they started out slowly, posting new videos about once a quarter. But as they began to see the fruits of their labor and see their following grow, they decided to begin posting even more regularly. Landmarks West now posts new content around once a month, and now sees ongoing video production as a critical venue for engaging new clients and showcasing their quality work to a wider audience.
Take Advantage of Affordable Video Production Packages
One of Jared’s biggest concerns was the potential costs of the project, especially long-term. He wanted to proceed cautiously to ensure that the time they invested would pay off. We understand this desire, especially for our small business clients, and have developed simple and affordable video production packages to better meet the needs of each client.
Though these packages range in length (from 1-hour to full-day sessions), we make it our priority to make each filming session as efficient as possible. Out of respect for your time, we work hard to film as much content as feasible over the course of the session. Our goal is to simplify the process for you, maximize the amount of content you can produce, and take the stress of video production off your shoulders.
The Power of Personality
If you need any proof that working with us will help ease some of your video production stress, look no further than the following videos! Van and Jared are so relaxed and at ease in these clips – partially because that’s their general style and tone as a business, but also because the production process has become an enjoyable way for them to showcase the quality of their work and the care they put into their business. Their personalities shine through the videos, and make you feel as though you’re standing right there chatting with them in the kitchen.
This casual, conversational style actually has a great deal of thought and strategy behind it. One of the key marketing goals of Landmarks West is emphasizing the importance of teamwork and transparency with their clients. These videos directly reflect their business values, helping the viewer to feel as though they have a privileged perspective behind-the-scenes with Jared and Van.
When scripting these videos, Jeff and his team chose a few core strategies to achieve the intended product:
- Humorous outtake openings to relax and engage the viewer
- Conversational tone, similar to the type of conversation clients would have on the ground with Jared and Van
- Highlighting not only the guys’ humor but also their deep knowledge and expertise
- Intentionally showcasing their high-quality work and helping viewers feel that they are there in the space with them.
Take a look for yourself!
The results? After weeks of hesitation, Jared became a believer! After filming just a few sessions, his skepticism vanished – to the point that he said, “We need to keep doing these!” When he saw firsthand the way that Jeff and his team were able to capture not only their laidback personalities but also the beautiful homes they’d created, he was hooked.
If you’re impressed by these videos too (and want to grab a beer with Van and Jared, like we do!) but still anxious about whether or not you have the times and means to produce videos like this, fear not. We’re here to take the anxiety out of this process and help you create quality content on a sustainable schedule that frees you focus on the work you love. Schedule a consultation with us today – we can’t wait to get started!