Video Boost Bundle Agreement


This Video Production Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into as of , (“Effective Date”) by and between Sheffk Ventures, LLC, d/b/a Socialize Video, a Utah business ("Agency") and   ("Client").  The Agency and the Client may be referred to individually as a “Party” or collectively as the “Parties.”


Agency delivers video content production for a broad range of businesses. Agency is or remains open to conducting similar tasks or activities for companies other than the Client and holds itself out to the public to be a separate business entity.  The Client desires to contract for the services of the Agency and the Agency is willing to provide such services for the Client under the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.

Agency and Client, intending to be legally bound, agrees as follows:

  1. Scope of Services.  Agency agrees to devote time, attention, and energy, at its sole discretion, to deliver the “Services” outlined in the attached “Schedule A.”  Agency shall perform any and all tasks and duties associated with the Services, including, but not limited to, work being performed already by others within or outside of the Client, as specifically agreed upon by the Parties.  If Agency, in its professional judgment, decides that additional services are needed, it will advise the Client of this need and obtain written authorization to proceed with the changes. 
  2. Work Order Change.  Agency’s Services may be expanded if both Parties separately agree in writing to do so. The Agency and the Client shall discuss any change to this Agreement proposed by the other and such discussion shall result with Agency submitting to the Client a Work Order Change (“WOC”) within the period agreed between them, or within five (5) days of such request for a change.  The WOC shall contain, but is not limited to, the details of the change; the price; a timetable for implementation; and a provision for signatures of the WOC by the Agency and the Client.  For each WOC submitted, the Client shall electronically sign the WOC and pay the additional costs associated with the terms of the WOC. 
  3. Compensation.  Client clearly understands that all compensation paid to Agency is for services rendered with no guarantee of results.  Agency shall be entitled to compensation for performing those tasks and duties related to the Services as listed in Schedule A.
  4. Client Responsibilities.  The Client acknowledges that they will need to download provided video assets in a timely manner. Files will be archived 2-weeks after delivery and there will be a de-archive fee of $150 to make them available for download again.
  5. Intellectual Property Rights. 
    1. Agency Property.  Agency retains the intellectual property rights (“Rights”) to all items previously owned by Agency and to all work completed on Client’s behalf (“Deliverables”). Agency grants to Client a fully paid-up, perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and non-sub-licensable license to use such Deliverables, but only to the extent incorporated into the Services and without any modification.  In no event shall Client be entitled to use any of the Deliverables separately and apart from its incorporation in the Services set forth here.
    2. Clients Property.  Client retains the Rights to all items previously owned by Client and subject to Agency’s Rights in and to Agency’s Property and any designated third party rights, and further subject to Client’s payment obligations, Client shall own all right, title, and interest in and to all video footage created by Client or created by a Vendor (defined below) who is hired by Client, even when Client provides that footage to Agency to be used in developing the marketing campaigns. 
    3. Agency Promotional Rights.  Client grants Agency the right, without prior approval, to use any and all non-confidential Deliverables, to reference Client’s company and any services provided by Agency to promote Agency and to market Agency’s services to third parties, including posting such Deliverables on Agency’s website.
    4. Stock Footage Permission. Client acknowledges and agrees that, as part of the Services, Client and any individuals involved in the filming process will be required to sign release forms provided by Agency. These release forms grant Agency permission to use and distribute the video clips on stock footage websites for sale. Client may request certain clips to remain private; however, such requests cannot exceed 20% of the total footage filmed. Failure to comply with signing the release forms will result in forfeiture of the discounted rate for the Services as outlined in Schedule A of this Agreement.
  6. Uncontrollable Events.  Non-performance by either Party, other than an obligation to pay money, shall be excused to the extent that performance is rendered impossible by strike, fire, flood, governmental acts, orders or restrictions, acts of God, extreme weather, illness, car accident or any other reason to the extent that the failure to perform is beyond the reasonable control of the non-performing Party.  The non-performing Party shall give prompt notice to the other Party of such delay and shall use its best efforts to complete the performance, within a reasonable time frame of such act which has been delayed.



The Scope of Services which Agency will perform under this Agreement, are the following:

Item Inclusion Details

2-Hour Film Shoot


50 High-Quality Processed Video Clips


Filming by Jeff Kohler


30-Day Turnaround


Tailored to Your Business



The value of this package $2,497 but with signed agreement, the price will be discounted to $749.


Agency shall be entitled to compensation for performing the Scope of Services set forth in this Agreement due on the Effective Date of the Agreement listed above. All services are billed for in advance.

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Signed by Jeff Kohler
Signed On: May 30, 2024

Signature Certificate
Document name: Video Boost Bundle Agreement
lock iconUnique Document ID: 8e59032695b1bae2add2c39fa38d3d573560bd33
Timestamp Audit
May 30, 2024 12:50 pm GMTVideo Boost Bundle Agreement Uploaded by Jeff Kohler - IP